Friday, October 21, 2011

No Good

My cornbread was awful.

If there is one thing in the world that I can make perfectly, without fail, it's cornbread. I made it tonight, and it just didn't turn out. Was it the GF flour that I added (1 Tbsp.), or the new cast iron skillet that replaced the old contaminated one? Either way, I'm frustrated and a little pissed off.

I'm a little resentful that my tastebuds seem to be a little lame. Things that seemed to taste awful just 10 days ago now seem delightful. What's that all about?

A very sweet lady gave me a huge bag of cookies tonight. There were flavors and combinations that no one should ever really have to dream up, but several potential culinary horrors were actually represented beautifully in the form of such creations as coconut quinoa and chocolate orange cookies. Three weeks ago, I don't know what I would have done with these cookies, but they are really good!

There is a lot of underlying frustration in these words, but I am in the midst of an abyss of exhaustion at the moment. Meal planning is a bit taxing, but most of all, I feel like I am at the produce market every single day. My son eats a bunch (5 or so) bananas a day, plus at least one canataloupe. I urge anyone who may be reading this -- BUY STOCK IN CHIQUITA!! And possibly even a cantaloupe farm!

More later, y'all.

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